
I've decided that over the top and unreadable websites are too annoying for the end user.

On top of that, they're just way too hard to maintain. If you're interested in a cool website with a custom cursor, parallex effects, and self-made icons, I've done that before, and you can check it out here. To me, it's just not worth the effort.

When I wanted to add a new section to my website, I was considering redesigning the entire site until the thought hit me: why do I need to redesign my entire website for one additional page?

Even in "simpler" websites, it can just be a pain to read for some users, especially those with accessibility issues. A big part of my personal philosophy is that knowledge should be accessible to all. Why wouldn't I extend philosophy this to my website?

Hopefully, I won't be redesigning this website any time soon.

Here's a cool gif of animated 8-bit stars.